In two days I will run my first full marathon after months of training and preparing. It is has been one of the most challenging endeavors in my life. I would like to say that I've enjoyed the entire process, but I can say that I have. There have been times that I've questioned myself...questioned motives, my sanity, my resolve, my strength. There have been times that I wanted to quit, yet here I am two days away...Sunday, November 6th, at 7:30 first full marathon.
I have learned so much about running, but I have learned so much about God and about myself. I have prayed. Many others have prayed. I have listened every step of the way to the Spirit speak to me. I have looked at all the signs God has given me on this journey. I have been tested in every way...physically, mentally, and spiritually. And I must say, I have truly enjoyed the testing. I know that a faith that cannot be tested is a faith that cannot be trusted. I love the Psalms, and I have been reading many of them along the way. David says in Psalm 28:6-7, "Praise be to the Lord, for He has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him. And He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him."
David, carried along by the Holy Spirit, tells us some important truths about the God who loves us. God hears us when we cry out to Him, especially for MERCY. God is our STRENGTH and our SHIELD. We can TRUST God with all of our heart. God HELPS us whenever and wherever we are. And in response to these truths, David gives us a proper response: "My heart leaps for JOY, and with my song I PRAISE Him." Am I a little anxious about the marathon? You bet I am! Am I doubtful about crossing the line or meeting my personal goals? You bet I am! However, I turn to my God who loves me, who hears me, who strengthens me, who helps me! I have never been alone, and I am not alone now. I am JOYFUL, and I will sing the PRAISES of my great God! I thank my God for allowing me this opportunity. I thank my God for the people who have been with me over these past few months (putting up with me talking about it, but encouraging me anyway). I thank God for my wife and for my kids (they even went out of their way to bring me water many times, and they have continued to believe in me and God's plan for me). I thank God for my church family and the many, many prayers and encouraging words. I thank God for doctors and chiropractors, who have been given the ability and the wisdom to help me physically and mentally when I was pushing my body to the limits! And I thank God for this incredible starting line in front of me. My daughter Hillary passed away on November 6th, 1996, of a brain tumor when she was just over five months old. She would have turned 26 years old back on June 10th. Had she lived, we would have more than likely been at St. Jude's for quite some time in recovery. God's plans for us are perfect, and God's timing is perfect. In two days, I will remember and honor my daughter Hillary by running 26 miles 26 years after her passing, and the funds raised in this marathon will go to St. Jude's. Oh, how my heart leaps for JOY, and, oh, how I am praising God now and will continue to praise Him all of my days!