About Me

My name is Jeff Thomas.  I am a Christ follower.  I believe the Word of God.  I believe that I am a sinner in need of a Savior.  I believe Jesus lived a perfect life, died a sacrificial death, and rose from the grave to defeat sin and death once and for all.  I am not saved by works; I am saved by grace through faith in Jesus.  I am thankful to God for His grace and mercy.  I am thankful to God for full and eternal life that is now mine through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!

I am married to Marty, and God has blessed us with an amazing family.  Our first daughter, Hillary, passed away at four months old due to a brain tumor.  However, God has given us four more beautiful children to love and raise.  I am the lead pastor at Start Baptist Church, and I am blessed and thankful to work with such an incredible staff and ministry teams.  I love my church family, and I love the community God has called me to serve.

The Lord Will Fight For You!

We have this Scripture on the walls of our hearts.  We have this Scripture on the walls of our house.  This Scripture is one of my wife'...