On February 14, 1989, I took Marty Hill to a Valentine's Banquet at my church. From that point on, we've been together. Today is the 30th Valentine's Day I've been blessed to spend with her! Over 26 years ago Marty Hill became Marty Hill Thomas, and God has blessed us with wonderful children to raise. Has it been easy? No. Has it been perfect? No. It hasn't been easy, and it hasn't been perfect because many times I have been selfish. The Bible tells us that we are all sinners; none of us are perfect; at times, we have all gone astray. However, the Bible tells us that God FIRST loved us (1 John 4:19) and that God SO loved us (John 3:16). As a husband and a father, I can only love my wife and my kids rightly by knowing and embracing God's love for me first. Once I know and embrace God's love for me, then I can become a vessel of that same love. Ephesians 5:25 says, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her." As an imperfect man incapable of loving this way on my own, I need help. 1 John 4:16 says, "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." I can love my wife and love my kids the way God wants me to love them, but I have to know His love first. I have to rely on His love each and every day in each and every relationship I have, most importantly the relationship I have with my wife and the relationships I have with our children.
Lord, thank You for loving me FIRST and loving me SO! I believe in Your love, and I embrace Your love as a vessel. I rely on Your love today and every day so that I can love my wife the way You created me to love her. I rely on Your love today and every day so that I can love our children the way You created me to love them. Thank You for Your Word that is truth and light and love. Forgive me of my sins, my faults, and my failures. Forgive me of my selfish desires and passions. Help me to live in righteousness. Help me to love in righteousness. Amen.
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