Tuesday, October 22, 2019

These Kinds of Clothes

I don't like cheese.  I don't like cheese.  I don't like cheese.  Most people who know me well know that I don't like cheese.  This morning I stopped by Waffle House to get some breakfast and coffee.  The waitress was extremely nice, and she immediately took my order.  I ordered my usual: a cup of coffee, a waffle, and a bacon and egg sandwich - NO CHEESE.  She read my order back to me, and it was word for word the way I ordered it.  When she brought me my breakfast just a few minutes later - you guessed it - my bacon and egg sandwich had cheese on it.  Fail.  She walked away, but I immediately saw the cheese (and smelled it).  Inside I was angry.  Is it really that difficult to not put cheese on something?  In that moment I had a choice. I could choose to be rude and unkind, or I could choose to be humble and kind.

I'm not sure if you read my blog yesterday, but God had already prepared my heart.  I kindly said, "Mam, I asked for no cheese on my sandwich."  She said, "I'm so, so sorry.  Let me take that back and make you a new one."  She was incredibly kind to me.  After I finished my meal and my coffee, I picked up the ticket to pay.  I noticed that I was only charged for my coffee and my waffle.  She told me not to worry about the sandwich because it was her mistake.  She was humble and kind to me.  I chose to be patient with her and kind with her.  After I paid my bill, I walked over to my table, and I left her a tip plus the amount for the bacon and egg sandwich.

Colossians 3:12 tells us, "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."  I take that to mean all the time.  We need to put on these kinds of clothes all the time, not just when it suits us or is comfortable.  We need to put on these kinds of clothes all the time because we are God's chosen people.  God calls us to live in holiness and in love, toward Him and toward others.  I am thankful that God allowed this to happen to me.  I am thankful for the Christlike clothes (humility and kindness) my waitress was wearing this morning.  I am thankful for the prepared heart God gave me so that I could also wear these kinds of clothes (humility, kindness, and patience) in this circumstance.  I pray that today you will choose to put on these kinds of clothes no matter the circumstances of your life.  You are God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved!

1 comment:

  1. I praise God for this message! I pray about a humble heart, and ask God to help me show kindness every day. You never know how that will encourage someone. Thanks


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