Sunday, August 14, 2022

Happy 30th Anniversary, Marty!

I thank God for you, Marty!  I thank God for all the moments we have shared in this life, and there have been so many.  We have been blessed to walk together since we were 14 and 15 years old, and we are still walking together.  Our first date was back in October 1988.  We started calling it official in February 1989.  We were married on August 14, 1992, and we are celebrating our 30th August 14th together!  Wow!  I am thankful for our children, whom God has blessed us to love and to raise together.  I am thankful for you.  You love me deeply and unconditionally.  We are not perfect people, because there are no perfect people.  However, in this life, you are perfectly matched to me by God's great design, and I am so very thankful!  Happy 30th anniversary, Marty!  I love you so very much, and, the Lord willing, I look forward to loving you even more in our future!

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