Monday, September 23, 2019

Everlasting Love and Unfailing Kindness

I thank God for the years I was able to teach English to high school students.  I love literature and writing.  My favorite part of teaching English to high school students was teaching grammar.  I loved teaching parts of speech and all of the other elements of writing.  ADJECTIVES.  Adjectives are description words.  We use them everyday.  I love adjectives in the Bible, as well.  In Jeremiah 31:3, we find two very important and very awesome adjectives: EVERLASTING and UNFAILING.  God's love for us is EVERLASTING.  God's kindness toward us is UNFAILING. Let that sink in for just a moment.  No one can love us like God does.  No one can show us kindness like God does.  Life is going to come at you today.  For some it will be extremely difficult; for others it will be just another day.  For some it will an easy and relaxing day, but for others, not so much.  No matter what life throws at you today, remember the truth of God's Word.  It can and will set you free.  He loves you with an EVERLASTING love.  He draws you to Himself with UNFAILING kindness.

Thank You, Father, for Your great love for me.  Thank You for drawing me to Yourself with kindness.  I know that your love is EVERLASTING.  I know that your kindness is UNFAILING.  Nothing that happens in my life today can or will change these great truths.  You are a good, good Father.  I am thankful.  Amen.

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