Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Happy 19th Birthday, Jacob!

Proverbs 28:26

"Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who WALK IN WISDOM are kept safe."

Nineteen years ago, Marty and I were at the fair in Monroe, LA, on a Sunday afternoon.  She was nine months pregnant, but our daughter Francie really wanted to go to the fair.  And whether she will admit it or not, Marty was really craving one of those hot, cinnamon, sugar-coated elephant ears!  After we walked around for an hour or so, we sat down to eat one or two or three of those elephant ears.  Marty looked at me after a few minutes and said, "I think it is time to go."  To make a long story short, Jacob was born just a few hours later.  

Jacob, we love you so much!  You are a blessing from God to our family.  It has been such a joy to watch you grow up into the fine young man you are today.  We pray for you every day.  Our prayer is that you will always WALK IN WISDOM, as it says in Proverbs 28:26.  Keep your heart pointed toward God.  Keep your eyes on Him.  Ask Him for wisdom, and He will give it to you.  Use that wisdom to glorify Him.  He will direct your paths and give you success.  Again, we love you and wish you a very happy birthday today!!!

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