I don't believe this is a coincidence, but the last time I submitted a blog the title was "I Will Trust in You," quoting the passage found in Isaiah 26:3, which says, "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You."
Over the past couple of weeks so much has changed in our world. COVID-19 has become a reality that we all must face. So many changes have taken place, and quite possibly, more changes are coming. In hindsight, I thank God for the Scripture He gave me back on March 2nd. I look back at that passage and that blog I write, and I realize that God knew exactly what was coming. Nothing takes Him by surprise. Our God is Sovereign. He is in control, and when I trust Him I can have perfect peace. That is His Word to us found in Isaiah 26:3!
I also love His Word found in 2 Timothy 1:6-7. Paul was writing to young Timothy to encourage him in the midst of trouble and chaos, in the midst of suffering. Paul was in prison. Timothy was dealing with people, and people either had problems or were causing problems. Paul encouraged young Timothy to focus on God. Paul encouraged young Timothy to FAN INTO FLAME the Spirit of God within him. The Spirit of God gave him power, love, and self-discipline! The Spirit of God did not make him fearful of the troubles or the sufferings of this world. Rather, the Spirit of God prepared him and enabled him to move forward for the kingdom of God, regardless of his circumstances.
In these times of trouble and suffering today, focus on God. If you are a Christ follower, you have the Spirit of God in you, and it is not a Spirit that produces fear. His Spirit produces power, love, and self-discipline so that you can be who He created you to be and live the way He created you to live. If you are a Christ follower, focus on God and remember the commands He has given you. Be loving, patient, gentle, and kind. Be obedient to God and to the authorities God has placed over you. Be a servant to everyone. If you are a Christ follower, focus on God and remember the promises He has given you. He will give you power, love, and self-discipline. He will be with you...always. Nothing in this world or out of this world will change God or His commands or His promises. He is faithful! He is good! He is sovereign! FAN INTO FLAME His Spirit within you!
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