Monday, March 2, 2020

I Will Trust In You

I love the words that I read in Isaiah 26:3-4.  Isaiah says, "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they TRUST in you.  TRUST in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal."

I know that I will be tempted today to put my trust in myself.  I will be tempted to put my trust in my spouse, in my children, in my friends, and in my job.  There will be opportunities for me to put my trust in the leaders of my country, my state, and my community.  There will be opportunities for me to put my trust in my doctors or in my medicines or in my treatments.  I know that I will be tempted by Satan to put my trust in anything and anyone but God.  Satan does not want me to put my trust in God.  He does not want me to live in perfect peace.  He does not want my mind to be steadfast.  He does not want me to stand upon the Rock eternal.  Therefore, he will tempt me all day long to put my trust in anything and anyone but God.

Lord, help me today against my enemy, Satan.  Lord, help me today to put my trust in You and in You alone!  I need You, Lord.  I need Your perfect peace.  I need a steadfast mind that only You can give me.  I need a firm foundation to stand upon, and You are my Rock eternal!  Lord, I make this declaration today: I WILL TRUST IN YOU!  

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