RESPOND. "Respond" means "to react toward something or someone; to say something in return." A few days ago, I was driving down the road when a large firetruck passed by me with its lights flashing and sirens blaring. I pulled over and let the firetruck pass, as did the other cars around me. As I pulled up to the next red light, I noticed the men get out of the firetruck and walk casually into a restaurant. I have to be honest with you, though. My first thought was not a good one: "Did those guys just use their truck to get to lunch quicker? How dare they use their position, their title to push people to the side so they can grab a quick lunch!" Like I said, I'm just being honest with you. However, that thought in my head didn't last long. Instead, I spoke these words out loud: "God, I pray for those firefighters and whatever they are about to do. If they are in danger, protect them. If they are helping someone, bless them and use them to do good. Amen."
How many times do we RESPOND to things we see or things we hear? All day and every day, we RESPOND to things and to people. The real question should be this one: Do we respond CAREFULLY, or do we respond CARELESSLY? There is a real difference. "Carefully" means "to be marked by caution; attentive concern; painstaking effort to avoid error or omission." On the other hand, "carelessly" means "to be unconcerned with; not showing care or concern for something or someone." So many times in my day, I find myself responding CARELESSLY. I am quick to judge and quick to speak. And as a Christ follower, I know better. James 1:19-21 says, "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you." This passage of Scripture is applicable in so many areas of my life. It applies in those times when I look at things with my eyes and want to be judgmental. It applies when I am listening to conversations and want to be harsh with my comments. It applies with what lies in my heart, what rolls around in my head, and what eventually comes out of my mouth. I truly want to be a man who RESPONDS CAREFULLY to the things I see and the things I hear. I want my responses to be marked by caution and attentive concern for others. And for what it is worth; those firefighters that day were responding to a griddle fire that had filled up that restaurant with smoke. I could clearly see the smoke rolling out of the building after I passed by on the other side of the parking lot. On that day, I was glad I squashed my initial response and began praying. Now, if only I could respond like that more often than my home, in my workplace, in my church, in my community!
Lord, help me be a better listener. Help me be quick to listen and slow to speak. Lord, help me be a man who is concerned for others. Forgiven me when I am judgmental with my thoughts and/or with my words and actions. I pray that I will be a careful responder rather than a careless responder to anyone or to anything you put in my path. Help me, Lord, to glorify You by applying James 1:19-21 to my life each and every day. Amen!